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by Elise Parkes |
We asked the Glow Hub community over on Instagram some Mental Health Q’s & you all answered. The results…
70% of you wish you could talk about mental health more.
63% don't know how to make your mental health a priority.
Mental health is not a *taboo* and talking about how we feel can help us break_down those invisible barriers that we sometimes feel are there. By opening up the conversation, normalising bad mental health days, asking for help and sharing the reality that we don’t always feel 100% and that is OKAY… means we have the ability to not only help ourselves but to help each other. So, here’s our top tips on making mental health a priority, how to help others and resources for yourself 😊 Let’s get into it…
Sometimes it’s easy to take our mental health for granted, to prioritise something else, to put it off till next week... It can all feel a bit too big, too hard and overwhelming. Tbh, even knowing what making your mental health a priority actually means can be tricky. To get you started, here’s 7 small things that everyone can do today to positively benefit their mental health...
Talking about how you feel can be tricky. Maybe you just don’t know where to start. Maybe you’re struggling to find the right words to describe what you're feeling. Sharing those thoughts, especially when they’re aren’t positive ones can feel overwhelming. However, when you start talking about your mental health it really does help you realise that you’re not alone. The Child Mind Institutes top tips are -
From talking about your mental health, to where to get help near you, treatment options and advocacy services. Here’s who to contact -
Mind: www.mind.org.uk/information-support/helplines/ or contact 0300 123 3393
Black Minds Matter: www.blackmindsmatteruk.com/ for free therapy for black individuals and families.
Mind Out: mindout.org.uk/ - Email info@mindout.org.uk or call 01273 234 839, a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people.
Talking about your own mental health can be tricky enough, but it can also be super hard to know what to do when supporting someone else with a mental health problem. From helping others deal with anxiety and panic attacks, to bereavement or an eating problem, Mind have specific information for helping friends, family, carers and others give support while taking care of themselves too. Take a look here.
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