The Glow Collective | Introducing Isobel – Glow Hub Beauty
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The Glow Collective | Introducing Isobel

by Elise Parkes |

Skin positivity influencer,  Isobel wanted to join the Glow Collective to have the opportunity to show people what real skin actually is. We talked to Isobel on set at the Glow Collective shoot...

Why did you want to be part of the Glow Collective?

Skincare brands always showcase products working on skin that’s been airbrushed and filtered and it’s just not real. So, when you have acne (I started getting it when I was about 11 and first started my period) and you want to buy products to help that, it’s not realistic buying from a skincare company that doesn’t show you real skin. So, I wanted to join the Glow Collective to have the opportunity to show people what real skin actually is.

Tell us more about your skin journey…

I’ve got a lot better with confidence, it was really disheartening in school because I felt like all my friends had really, really good skin. Other people would get the odd period spot, but it felt like everyone else had flawless skin and I was the only person who had acne. But actually, it’s just so common.

Initially I was kind of rolling with it, but then my mental health started struggling when I was in year 13 and going into uni, and although it wasn’t particularly about my skin, my acne wasn’t helping my mental health. So then as my confidence was going down, I starting trying all this different mediation, topical creams, everything… it was ok but I still had acne. By then I had met my now boyfriend and group of best friends and just became a lot more confident with the people around me. Surrounding yourself with people who bring you up rather than those who that make you feel self-conscious really helps. 

Why did you decide to start your skincare Instagram ?

So, one of the main reasons I started my skincare page is because I followed a few influencers on Instagram who were advocating for real skin – things like free the pimple and pores not flaws – and it really helped me personally.  So, I started my skincare page because I thought I could be a part of this community, I could be one of those people. I wanted to be involved and it helped because every single person in the community supports each other. It’s nice being surrounded by your own people!

What would you say to anyone starting out on their own skin confidence journey?

It’s not linear. Some days are better than others and it’s not just an upwards curve. Things are going to go up and down, so don’t be disheartened if it goes up for a bit then goes back down because that happens and it’s normal, that’s just how it is and that’s real skin for you.

Your top skincare tips?

I obviously have had acne and I scar really easily with my skin, so one thing I’ve learnt about since starting my skincare Instagram is SPF. If you’re trying to help scarring and pigmentation SPF really is your best friend.

Top tip for people who are feeling self-conscious about their skin?

In a fight or flight situation, I’m very much a flight person, so it’s about trying to train yourself - train sounds a bit strong - but trying to get yourself comfortable with who you are in your skin. It plays a big part in confidence. If I’m not feeling particularly great about my skin one day, I’ll put some mascara on or sort my eyebrows and then go outside into the world with my skin out. And yes, it’s kind of terrifying and yes, you feel self-conscious, but it just proves to yourself that you can do it. No one cares, no one’s looking at your skin, it’s probably all in your head.

Is there anything else you want to share?

More on the mental health side…  a lot of people struggle with their mental health because of acne, or like I said before, for a lot of people their acne doesn’t help their mental health - and it might be easy to say but it’s all in your head, it really is. It all starts with loving yourself and feeling comfortable with yourself. Once you can get on board with that and start giving yourself a pat on the back for how far you’ve come, you’ll start feeling more comfortable in the world.

How did you start accepting yourself?

So, when lockdown happened, I wasn’t wearing makeup regularly because I was inside so much. I used to wear makeup for everything, going to the corner shop- I’d put makeup on. Uni lecture – I’d put makeup on. I just couldn’t leave without makeup, but with lockdown there just wasn’t a need for it. Then a couple of months into lockdown last year, I woke up and I just thought, do you know what, this is it. I feel more comfortable not waking up in the morning and having to set half an hour aside to put makeup on, I don’t worry about getting oily during the day, it’s just much more comfortable for me. So, if I feel more comfortable like this why shouldn’t I doing it? I did literally just wake up one day and was like, cool here we go. 

What is your fave part of your skincare routine?

I like cleansing (I like it all!) but cleansing is the bit where you feel like you’re actually doing skincare to me. Because obviously you’re getting rid of all the dirt and grime that’s on your face. Especially if I had to pick only one thing I could do, it would be to cleanse.


Your top skincare tip?

If you use a flannel or face cloth, change it every day otherwise you’re just rubbing bacteria on your face. Make sure you’re changing your pillowcases on a regular basic, I never used to do that enough but it makes a different, trust me! Then, if you use a serum remember - the serum is designed to address the problem or issue you’re trying to solve, and then your moisturiser is for your skin type, not the issue, that one’s helped me!

Do you know your skin type?

Oily, oh 1000%! Oily, oily, oily!

Best product for your skin type
Once again… a cleanser! I feel like a good cleanser is the one product that makes the real different with oil.

Are you skin confident!
Getting there. Not quite there but getting there, definitely.

Favorite glow hub products?

On the topic of cleansing…  I love the Nourish & Hydrate Cleansing Balm as a first cleanse. You should be double cleansing if you’re wearing SPF or makeup. I love this, it smells like you’re on holiday, it’s the peach and coconut, but the peach comes through the most and it smells like a cocktail on a beach! And then I love love love the Purify & Brighten Moisture Lotion, it’s specifically for blemish prone skin, again it smells insane, the blueberry really comes out. For oily skin this is fab because it doesn’t feel heavy on your skin. I hate when you use a moisturiser and it adds to the oil, but this glides on like a dream!
